The PoliOps IE Tracker
For Independent Expenditure Tracking
The PoliOps IE Tracker is your one stop shop for compliance reporting, legal review of mail, digital ads, canvass scripts, and administrative management of those reporting requirements.
We make complex reporting obligations simple.
Say goodbye to spreadsheets, google forms, sending emails for legal review, and refreshing your email to see if a report is ready for review before being filed.
We offer customized dashboards for each compliance function, teams have a specialized view into important data and information. Automated alerts and daily, weekly, or monthly reports provide transparency at all levels of the compliance reporting process.

Why PoliOps?
Organizations campaigning in support or opposition to candidates or issues, whether at the Federal, State, or local level, are required to track and submit myriad reports per election law to the appropriate government entity.
Failure to do so may result in fines, staff time to fix the missing or late reporting, and even potential damage to an organization's goodwill and reputation with donors. (Imagine soliciting funds from donors while at the same time racking up fines for mishandling your finances!)
With such high stakes it is a wonder that organizations still utilize google spreadsheets, google forms, and emails to fulfill their reporting requirements and meet those deadlines.